Sell My Billboard - Landlords


Not getting enough sales on your Classic or Digital billboard?
We can help.

Your billboard been dumped by another provider?
We can help.

Got an empty wall or site?
We can help.

Jolly has an eye for finding value in every billboard in our portfolio.

Every billboard has the perfect advertiser, our job is to find potential advertisers and create as much ongoing demand as possible for your billboard, to help drive the price up over time.

There are some key initiatives we undertake on our sites, developed from decades of media credibility and experience.

Some of these billboard insights are:

Investing in digitising the site – If parameters are met, not all sites can or should be converted.

Reskinning the Digital –  If the LED’s are old technology we might recommend an upgrade.

Programmatic Revenue on Digitals – Ensuring Programmatic is setup correctly on the Digital site should bring in additional % revenue for a tiny investment cost across several competing providers.

Static /Classic Billboards Illumination – Lighting using correctly angled LEDs that draw the eye and resonate colour over distance. Where electrical is not available we option solar lights.

Moving the viewing corridor – Moving Frames up or down, forward or back, finding the traffic/pedestrian “sweet spot” for long viewing corridors and higher dwell times.

Wall mounted billboards – Having a smaller billboard option (instead of a pricey big install/print price) means if we have a pause from a big heavy hitting advertiser up, we can sell it as an efficient buy to a smaller direct client –  Changing the skin regularly is super important.

Height Abseil installs are always tough to perform on time and given the greater safety requirements are unevitably more expensive than standard installations.
Where ever possible Jolly provides better install systems or suggest resizing the frame to bring back the cost of installations and make the site overall more inexpensive and hence a better ROI for the purchaser without compromising safety, a timely installation and impact.

Our range of Landlords that choose to work with us includes government agencies, schools, large property portfolios as well as property investors and smaller one-off commercial property owners and in some cases commercial business owners / tenants which have a wall or frame for signage as part of their lease.

Contact us for a billboard site evaluation and appraisal, nationwide.

“I was approached by Jolly, to rent my dilapidated old billboard site which another billboard provider dropped as they deemed it “uneconomic. Within 2 weeks the old billboard skin (which the last operator left up) was removed, the frame was repaired and a new light was installed. Within a month a paying client was up on the billboard.. This initiative shown from the Jolly team has increased my building value, increased revenue and overall makes my property more desirable.”
Thanks Jolly Billboards.

Contact Jolly Billboards Today